Download our Templates

Need dieline size and spec templates? We’ve got you covered. Our templates can be downloaded in either PDF or InDesign formats for use with your desktop software to create your own business card, decal, wall calendar, etc. When finished, sign into Burke Express, select the appropriate product, attach your file for printing, and place your order.
Instructions: Build your artwork on the “Your Artwork” layer. Delete or turn off “Template” layer before submitting artwork. Burke is not responsible for any guidelines left in artwork. All booklet/manual/catalogue templates have: Front Cover, Inside Front Cover, Body Pages, Inside Back Cover, and Back Cover. Burke is not responsible for an incorrect number of layers/pages on your file. Please make sure to upload a file with the correct number of layers and/or pages. *All booklet pages must be divisible by 4.
CD DVD Case Cover
2 Panel
PDF | InDesign
CD DVD Case Cover
4 Panel
PDF | InDesign
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17407 106 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1E7
(780) 482-6026
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2828 19 St NE,
Calgary, AB T2E 6Y9
(403) 250-1026
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