With so many paper options at Burke, your top Edmonton printer, finding the perfect one for your project can be a challenge. Different papers will provide different results, and some will suit projects better than others.  So what are the key differences between coated and uncoated paper stocks?

Coated vs Uncoated: What’s the Difference?

The main difference lies in a thin layer, called a coating, applied to some papers. This coating affects how the paper interacts with ink, which will impact both visuals and feel. 

  • Coated Stocks: These offer a more radiant result. They come in various finishes like matte, dull, silk or gloss. Matte offers a softer look, while gloss provides a vibrant shine! 
  • Uncoated Stocks: These feature a more natural, textured feel, often preferred for a classic or understated aesthetic. Popular finishes include linen, felt and opaque stocks. 

Matching the Paper to the Project

Selecting the right paper stock depends on your projects goals: 

  • Coated stocks: These are ideal for printing projects that require sharp visuals and vibrant colours. Brochures, flyers, magazines, and high quality photographs often benefit from coated paper. Additionally, coated paper allows for special effects such as a glossy varnish that adds a touch of elegance to specific areas. 
  • Uncoated stocks: These are perfect for printing projects that desire a natural, understated feel. Business cards, letterheads, invitations and artistic prints often utilize uncoated paper for a touch of sophistication.

Ink Absorption: A Key Factor

The way paper absorbs ink also differs. Coated paper will create a much smoother surface, which results in crisper text and more vibrant colours. Uncoated paper will absorb ink in a different way, offering a softer look and a more muted colour palette. 

Choosing Your Perfect Paper Partner

The choice depends on your project’s specific needs and desired aesthetic. Burke, your Edmonton printing expert, is here to help you navigate the paper selection process and choose what’s best for you and your project. Contact us today, and we’ll ensure your printed pieces look stunning and achieve their communication goals.